Now then, at last here's the much threatened Bradford Mega Post - a partial round-up of fanzines associated with the Wool City - kicking off aptly enough with a huge treat - the full [ahem] run of Wool City Rocker - Bradford's first fanzine! Do not be alarmed by the legend - 'Rock Scene Magazine' - the venerability of WCR will become clear. WCR was an admirable venture espousing and actively facilitating the DIY ethic throughout its 14 issue run (winter '79-summer '81) - collectively an invaluable social document of the period. Nick Toczek and Kay Russell (Ulterior Motives) jointly edited issues 1&2 but thenceforth Nick was at the helm. I'll not attempt to list all Nick's work here - there's shed loads of it - though I will note that his pre-WCR activity included editorship of the poetry journal, The Little Word Machine - he's since gone on to publish a rake of poetry volumes for adults and children - My & My Poems, Hogs 'n' Dogs 'n' Slugs 'n' Bugs, Number Number Cut a Cucumber, and The Wreckage - that scratches the surface - track down his Selfish Men CD for an excellent selection of his poetry. Apart from Ulterior Motives Nick has been involved in many musical projects, both performing and promoting - not least the fabulous Britanarchist LP (new volume due out shortly). Nick remains something of a globetrotting workaholic - travelling far and wide to demonstrate his craft and facilitate workshops in far flung corners of the world. When resident in the City Nick can be heard on his BCB radio show, InTOCZEKated. At any rate, WCR was consistently excellent. Offering: fantastically comprehensive gig listings; insightful interviews and profiles; impartial reviews; and practical information about gigging/recording (Band Aid - prefiguring Geldof/Ure). Nick, in characteristically declamatory manner, ever championed and cajoled, jostled for and boasted about Bradford. As the lad said,
...and a big shout goes out to Johna, Nick & Troy - nice one lads.
Wool City Rocker #1, 1979

Band profiles: Vex, Violation, The Scene, Dedringer, Remainz, Press Release, Ulterior Motives, The Negatives, and Shaftdrive. Interviews: John Farquhar, Chris Groves, 'Blooze 'n' Rock' with Jed Turner. Venue Listing: The Royal Standard, The Metro (Golden Cockerel), The Palm Cove [mini The Fall review], and The Vaults Bar. Records/Tapes: Excel, The Scene, Agony Column, Shadowfax, The Negatives, and Ulterior Motives. Live: Samson, Mod Night with The Fixations and The Killermeters.
And not forgetting the delightful cartoons of stalwart Wool City Rocker Stan Engels.
Wool City Rocker #2, 1980

Profiles: Total Confusion, Radio 5, Silver Screen Girls, Shadowfax, and Planet. Brian Rushgrove's Rock'n' Roll page. Giraffes Over Bradford: Eaten Alive By Insects, and Mephisto Waltz. Records/Tapes: The Salford Jets, The Odds, The Akrylykz, and E.A.B.I.. Live: The Salford Jets, White Spirit, Vex/Remainz, and Ulterior Motives.
Nick's Nowtz + the inaugural WCRockword.
Wool City Rocker #3, 1980

Profiles: The Plates, Excel, Scum, Agony Column, Beats Working, Another Wrist Action, Hustler Street Band, and Trampus. Brian Rushgrove's Rock 'n' Roll page. Poetry in Motion featuring Wild Willi Becket, Geoffrey Colin Thornton, Barry Jepson, and Ian Alexander. Pennine Radio profiled. The Kids Are Alright- mod article. Records/Tapes: Excel, Press Release, Muggins Blight, and Scum. Live: Limelight, H St. Band, Shadowfax, and Japanese Soldiers.
Wool City Rocker #4, 1980

Wool City Rocker #5, 1980

Profiles:The Switch, Muggins Blight, Knife Edge, Shake Appeal, The Expelaires, Nine Below Zero, The Elements, Harsh Words, and The Expozez. Paul from Coda responds to criticism of their rehearsal space. Band Aid with tips on recording, distribution, and venues. Records/Tapes: The Expelaires, The Vye, Dawnwatcher, The Beans, The Neat, The Switch, Knife Edge, The Elements, and Dance Chapter. Live: The Solos, Geneva, Mysterious Footsteps/The Idle Rich, and Dexy's Midnight Runners/The VIPs.
Nick's Nowts +WCRockword.
Wool City Rocker #6, 1980

Profiles: The Zipps, Middle 8, Terminal 3, Ada Wilson' Keep Dark, Stranger Than Fiction, Sabrejets, Geoff Jackson & The Huns, Toxic, The City Limits, and Side Effect. Letter from Another Pretty Face + a round-up of their 7"s. Band with tips on DIY discs, PA and transport hire. Records/Tapes: Girls At Our Best, Shake Appeal, Radio 5, Bad Manners, Silver Screen Girls, Rich Wilde, The Statics, Knife Edge, The City Limits, Soft Cell, Deep Freeze Mice, and the Hicks From The Sticks compilation. Live: Airkraft, Or Was He Pushed..., Spinoes, Cheap 'n' Nasty/Agony Column/The Statics, Dedringer, Vardis, Eric Bell, Diamond Head, Baby Tuckoo, Harsh Words, and The News.
Nick's Nowt +WCRockword.
Wool City Rocker #7, 1980

Profiles: Twisted Nerve, Treatment, The Subliminal Cut, Heaven Seventeen, and Slipped Discs. Great Rock 'n Roll Swindle reviewed. Looking at Lancs: The Notsensibles, The Flying Squad, Terminal Music, Local Heroes, and Sturgeon Row. Fanzine Reviews: The Cat Ate the Dogs Dinner, Revolt in Style and more. Records/Tapes: Cameras in Cars, The Zipps, The Oscillators, You, The Quick, Knife Edge, Dirty But Nice, The Toxics, Alwoodley Jets, The Art Of Solving Problems compilation, Ric Rac demo [The Switch, The City Limits, Dodgy Tactics, Bob & Baz, and The Cat. Live: Saxon, Mirror Boys, Girl/Broken Home, Sheila & The Poo-Flaps/God & The Demi-Gods, Glossy Mags, Lucky Strike, and The Mo-Dettes.
Nick's Nowtz + WCRockword.
Wool City Rocker #8, 1980

Profiles: Violation, Rockabilly Rebs, Peter Gabriel, Cuba, Lucky Strike, The Fabulous Poodles, Warlord, and Heaven 17. Gawpin at Lancs. The Bradford Rock 'n' Roll Exhibition. Fanzine reviews including Gargoyle and Nosey Neighbours Supplement, Vague, A Bit of Culture, and Protest and Survive. Record/Tapes: Cuba, Agony Column, Limelight, Ocean, Mirror Boys, Mysterious Footsteps, Middle 8, Dedringer, Slaughter & The Dogs, The Cheaters, Instant Automatons, The Hitmen, Cigarettes, B Movies, Kose-A-Bii, and Tuxedo Moon. Live: The Guests, Glossy Mags, Proposition 31, EMF, The Expozez, The Killermeters, The Vibrators, Loch Lomond Festival [SLF, The Tourists, The Jam, Wild, Horses, Krokus, Lindisfarne, Ian Gillan, Saxon, and Wishbone Ash.
Wool City Rocker #9, 1980

Profiles: The Distributors, Lou Reed, A New Opera, Surfin' Dave, Nosferatu V, and Blush. New Model Army (formerly Hustler Street Band) versus The Palm Cove court case. Fanzine reviews including Apathy, Getting Nowhere Fast, Pulled Up, and Strange Sounds. Records/Tapes: Beat Pumps, The Distributors, Mekons, The Exploited, Rhythm Clicks, The Hitmakers, The Freeze, Type, Contacts, Back Stage Pass compilation [Slaughter & The Dogs, Cyanide, Manufactured Romance, The Exploited, and SLF], Bouquet of Steel compilation [Artery, B-Troop, Comsat Angels, Vendino Pact, Disease, Flying Alphonso Brothers, The Negatives, Scarborough Antelopes, and Repulsive Alien], Rockabilly Rebs, Heaven 17, Muggins Blight, Force Nine, Twisted Nerve, Nylo Klinik, Still Earth, Peter Mayhem, Hideaways, and Their Crimes Committed. Live: Gregory Isaacs & The Roots Radics Band, The Gimmicks/The Neat, Knife Edge, Chinatown, Swakara, Reading Festval.
Band Aid + WCRockword.
Wool City Rocker #10, 1980

First Birthday Issue!
Profiles: Handmade Goddesses, Speed, The Freeze, Private Dicks, The Amazing Whips, The Wide Boys, Shake Appeal, Dale Hargreaves Flamingos, and U2. Fanzine reviews including Apathy, Jamming, and Vague. Posers Corner with Nine Below Zero, D. Hargreaves, and The Whips. Interview with Tim Finn, and Limelight. Record/Tapes: Nine Below Zero, Prag Vec, Split Enz, Myofist, Methodishca Tunes, Wide Boys, Ruby Turner Band, Vex, Seven Year Itch, The Sofa, Rough Justice, Knife Edge, and Alan Whittle. Live: UB40/Afrikastar. Books: The Clash, Before and After; The Jam, Modern World by Numbers. WCR's first year accounts laid bare.
Nick's Nowtz + Band Aid.
Wool City Rocker #11, 1981
Coming soon.
Wool City Rocker #12, 1981

Wool City Rocker #13, 1981

Profiles: Blurt, The Squares, and Rhabstallion. Letter from Autopsia. Live: The Tetley/ EMI Supergroup Contest [Smart Ass, Knife Edge, and (winning entrant) The Gents], The Alex Harvey Band, The Thompson Twins, and The Moondogs/Split Rivits/Darts/TV21. Stan Engels' postcards. Incomplete...
Wool City Rocker #14, 1981

A wonderful little fanzine this, puerile, snotty and knowing. Mostly the work of Andy Ashton [Chronic, (Distort - here with Anti System's Phil Dean) & some], Andy Farrow [Living Dead + Far North Supremo...], Aky Nawaz [Violation, Southern Death Cult...Fundamental], with insightful/silly contributions from an assortment of Bradford punks. Issue 1 has the Apathy Manifesto - though only shortlived, the collective's efforts were both entertaining and inspiring. Profiles: Chronic, Violation, and Living Dead. Articles on sniffing glue and youth identity + Apathy playlist, Punx Corner + daft gags, in-jokes and risque humour. Chronic/Living Dead flexi.
Apathy #2, 1980

Profiles: Friction Agitators, Insane Images, and Policeman With A Loaf Of Bread. Commentary from Carl Reynolds and Boredom/Liberty. Apathy Top Ten. Live: Discharge [includes interview], The Damned/Exploited, Annie Anxiety/Poison Girls/Crass. + lots of silliness.
Apathy #3, 1980

Knee Deep in Shit #1, 1981

Knee Deep In Shit as the legend says was 'The Fanzine of The 1in12' club. Initiated by original 1in12 conspirators, Gary Cavanagh, Tony Grogan, Steve Leman, and Lisa & Lusca Zychowicz, KDIS featured articles and contributions from the club's members. Issue 1 has Punk's Not Dead, profiling Violation, Chronic, The Southern Death Cult, Living Dead, Rot-in-Flesh, Friction Agitators, and The Insane. Commentary on religion from Requiem's [and some] Jont. Aricles on social rights, and rioting. Reviews: The Associates, Rip Rig & Panic, Grandmaster Flash, Au Pairs, Positive Noise, Jah Wobble/Jaki Liebzeit/Holgar Czukay, and The Cause/Mike Parkinson. Poetry from Jack Art Movement, and Joolz + collage, slogans, jokes and crossword.
Knee deep in Shit #2, 1981

Requiem profiled. Commentary on rioting and unrest. Reviews: The Southern Death Cult/Edible Marquetry, 96 Tears, The Associates, Elecric Guitars, Die Krupps, New Order, From Brussels With Love, Another View, Look, Loss of Head, and Dead at the Controls. Poetry from Michael Parkinson, Martin McGarrigle, and Seething Wells. + Cartoons and hefty plug for Molotov Comics.
Knee Deep in Shit #3, 4, & 6, 1981

Observations from Jack Art Movement. 1in12 Celebrity ofthe Month. Diary of a Paranoid. The Politics of Food. Wild Willi Beckett's, Rock Against Groceries. A requiem for Sid Vicious. Article looking at the Kronstadt Uprising. Reviews: Seldom Red, Requiem/The Abhorred.
Mental Block, 1981

One of Ian Astbury's fanzines - in collaboration with Zog. Featuring a report from the 24 October '81 CND Rally in London. Aky's party - a dig at apathetic punks. Reviews: The Insane/Friction Agitators/Rot-in-Flesh @ the 1in12, Madness, U2/Comsat Angels, The Southern Death Cult/Edible Marquetry, and Bow Wow Wow. + collage, cartoons and commentary on punk and war.
What Culture, 1982

Another Ian Astbury fanzine - here collaborating with Si. Heavy North American Indian vibe with articles on Yellow Thunder Camp, and Ghost Dance + instructions for cobbling together your very own DIY Ghost Dance shirt. Article on Killing Joke/Brilliant - hilarious cartoon depiction of globetrotting Jaz by Youth. Fun in the Falklands. + Plugs for The Southern Death Cult dates including Manchester Band on the Wall, and The Embassy Windermere.
Molotov Comics #1, 1981

Ranters Ahoy! The Brainchild of Seething Wells (RIP), in collaboration with the good folk at Airies Ents, Molotov Comics featured the cream of West Yorkshire Ranting scene: Swells, Wild Willi Beckett (RIP), Little Brother, Gauis, and Julz (Joolz). Cartoons from Jon Langford and Julienne Denby (Joolz). Fabulous stuff!
Excellent stuff Si....great to see you back ! Fantastic post....looking forward to reading these.....thanks !
Nice one Chris - there's a few to go at there - and I'll probably augment it as we go along.
Don't forget to snaffle the mp3s - I think I may need to make those a bit more obvious.
Cheers again
Hi Si, Lots of lovely memories here to be sure. What a fine collection.
One small point the wcr 5 link isn't working.
Thanks for all the gooodies, Andy T xx
Hi Andy - thanks our Kid - I'll look to fix that glitch asap and get the missing edition up too. I'm gonna crack on and do some more of the angrier fanzines starting next week - yours included.
I hope all is well with you.
absolutely brilliant, keep up the good work!
Ahhh, Sned - there you are lad - I was just telling Mero recently that it was you who inspired me to crack on with this so it's excellent to hear from you. Thanks for the compliment. Do you reckon you'll pick up on your blog? You have tons that I'd like to see.
All the best to you.
Nice to see the old stuff online. Good job Si
Thanks Jak - there's plenty to come yet so please keep popping by.
Hi,Thanks for bringing back memories of 1980. I still cant play the guitar. The Bradford scene was great around that time and we had a laugh. Cheers
Martin Williams of Policeman with a Loaf of Bread
Amazing work!many thanks!
Cheers, Adam!
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